Your personal tour of anything and everything with Style in Santa Barbara.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Is Santa Barbara Style?

As I thought about writing the first entry into this blog, entitled Santa Barbara Style, I started thinking, "what is Santa Barbara Style?"  I have ideas in my head of what I believe it to be.  When I see it, I know it. Can I articulate it?  Can it be pinned down to a few words that clearly define what Santa Barbara Style is?

I was born and raised in this beautiful city.  In so many ways it has shaped who I am.  I have visited and lived many other places, but no other place has come so close to paradise for me.  Recently I began to see Santa Barbara with new eyes.  I think this comes from ones perspective- when it changes, how things are seen change too.  Everything I see provides so much joy and inspiration!  The buildings around town- when did they become so amazing?  The people walking confidently down State Street on a bright sunny day, each one looking as if they had just stepped out of a fashion editorial.  And the headline reads-  Santa Barbara Style: Effortlessly Elegant and Casually Chic.  I can't get enough of it!!

While reading this blog, think of me as your personal tour guide of this unique city.  But this is definitely not your average tour.  This is a tour with all things style in mind.  Anything that catches my attention may end up here.  I am excited to experience where this tour takes us, what inspires me, what I learn and everything I see!

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